Man, for all my skepticism there are occasional things that are such incredible coincidences that at least makes one want to speculate about the existence of helpful pixies or some such. I’d been looking for a single CD from an audiobook collection. When I’m listening to audiobooks I have a bad tendency to put them into a pile as opposed to putting them back into their container like I should. Because of this several of these audio books can get mixed together or completely mislaid.

Such was the case of disk seven of Terry Pratchett’s “Making Money” read by Stephen Briggs. I had already renewed it to buy myself some time but I was beginning to get the bad feeling I had returned it already in the wrong container. Something, regrettably, I’ve been known to do far too often.  I’d been going with my usual strategy i.e. don’t panic and clean, but my options were running out quickly.

While I was organizing my office desk I had just put some books on top of the bookshelf that is right next to a filing cabinet that has my scanner on top of it using my portable office doorbell as a book stand.

Five minutes later I found the doorbell wasn’t quite heavy enough for this task as the books came crashing down into the space between bookshelf and filing cabinet. Swearing to myself I moved the cabinet to retrieve the books and doorbell, preying the fall hadn’t done any damage, and there was the disk.

So the romantic in me is choosing to pretend that mischievous pixies knocked over my books to point me in the right direction. Of course the annoying rationalist is going to just remember to start looking behind the cabinet first.