MalwareWell as many people may know Macintosh just  brought out the latest flavor of their operating system Sierra. As a diligent and responsible user I didn’t wait to move up and start the instillation. Turns out I probably should have waited at least until the weekend.

I downloaded on both machines, though the laptop was ready first. Here was my first problem. I’ve had a loosing battle emptying a lot of useless garbage from my laptop that doesn’t help in it’s function as my mobile secondary office. The amount of space required to install the new system was considerably more than was available. I found myself spending the next hour in digital housecleaning. Finally after just a few false starts The laptop was done.

Forty five minutes later the software was ready for the main computer. Other than things going slower than I’d like… and a nerve-wracking point near the end where everything seemed to stop for just a little bit more than a half hour… everything went fine.

And then the fun started.

One thing I always forget when I’m doing this is my tablet stops working whenever these installations occur. This alway brings things to a grinding halt because I can’t move the curser to click on the “please continue” button. This means I have to search for the paperweight otherwise known as the mouse that came with the machine. After an aggravating fifteen minute search came step two. Since I only use the mouse about every other year for these occasions I need to replace it’s batteries and I was fresh out of double A’s. This meant I had to go to the nearby drugstore and get some.

So fifteen minutes later I had the mouse up and running again. So the main problem was done. Now all that’s left is replacing all of the plugins that Sierra has declared obsolete. I’ve taken care of the obvious ones but some of the less obvious ones keep sneaking up on me.