I generally have fun making it clear that the world Rhapsodies takes place in, a setting I like to call the “My American Cousinverse”, is, to put it mildly, not quite the world we live in it. I generally don’t go into the details; Rhapsodies would be a very different comic if I did. Having said that, I’ve been trying to make an effort to make things different, even if it’s something trivial as mentioning familiar movie names.

Which brings us to A Beautiful Mind. For the longest time, I was thinking of a scene where Brian didn’t think that the hallucination scene was accurate and corrected all of the equations.

The problem there is I’m trying to get away from real-world movies. So I don’t know if there ever was a film called a Beautiful mind. for that matter, even if John Forbes Nash lived in the ” My American cousin verse” I don’t know if his life was anything like what it was in our original timeline.

Having said that, while “the movie about the history of game theory” Brian watched could not have been A Beautiful Mind… yeah, Brian Watched A Beautiful Mind.