Let me tell you about the week I’ve been having. Tuesday I’m down at one of my favorite hangouts and one of my friends comes up to me and tells me he had trouble getting into my page. I open my laptop to check and see nothing. I put it on my list of things to mention to my webmaster in passing. The next day another friend emailed me with the same complaint along with documentation. At this point there was still nothing on my end all three of the browsers I have access to were giving me a green light so I thanked him for the added data and forwarded it to the webmaster after all it could have something to do with why my stats were so bad for the first half of the week.

15 minutes later Google malware wall slams down on me too.

So here I am mildly panicky but still having to wait until five o’clock to do anything about it (can’t bother the webmaster at his day job) so I try to stick to doing all of the things I normally do as well as trying to look into any possibilities regarding sources of possible viruses just so I could be as well informed as a clueless Luddite could be when I made my phone call at five.

When five o’clock came we discovered the page had been hacked most of it was WordPress specific and hadn’t touched most of the archives and we were able to clean it up. As well as replace all my passwords with ones so strong that I have to write them down since there’s no way I can remember them.

However while waiting for Google to accept us as safe for human consumption I’m still getting emails reporting the problem with my site.  Some from spammers trying to make a buck and some from well meaning friends. On top of that I found a few more bits of unacceptable codes that still need to be taken out… so looks like this problem will last through the weekend.

Anyway at least at this point I’m past the panic stage and now I’m just really annoyed. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel it’s just at the moment it feels like I can’t move towards it.