Okay I knew I would have to get to this one sooner or later… today my Halloween instructions were to draw a Werewolf (there wolf! Sorry.) I’m coming to dislike these more “traditional monsters” not because they’re too easy (When trying to knock off the daily requirement in under a half hour I like easy!) It’s just a case of trying not to do all of the things that every one does. Since I’ve been watching a lot of the “classics” right now I automatically tried to avoid the furry fanged people that are featured in those movies and conversely I’ve been trying to avoid to avoid the furry, frequently digitigrade humanoids with wolves’ heads that are all the rage in a most of the current versions.

For today’s version I went with a more medieval approach with something that was mostly a wolf but with enough human features that it would have to be really dark to mistake it for a real wolf.
