MalwareYou may have noticed I don’t have a museum sketch today.

There are two reasons for that the first is I was kind of scraping the barrel for material today where the only thing I hadn’t shared yet was something from the Seattle Art Museum’s Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Gainsborough exhibit. It was one of those sketches,  while not technically bad, was one I had really screwed the pooch on. I’d gotten the scale of the figures completely out of whack. In my defense the gallery was packed and I really have trouble getting into my zone if there are more than five people in the room.

The other, more pertinent, reason was my old scanner finally died. It had a good run but finally after nearly ten years it gave up. It was kind of annoying technically it started its long decline a couple of months ago when it stopped acknowledging the existence of some of the ink cartridges in it’s printer side when I had replaced another cartridge and unfortunately as one of the tech support guys said “Pixma doesn’t multitask” translation the printer doesn’t work the scanner doesn’t work.

I’d managed to make do by keeping the old empty cartridge in place which allowed the scanner to work but since the cartridge was empty I didn’t have a printer anymore and had to make do by either saving important documents as PDFs or going to the library to print. While this worked after an annoying fashion it was still the technical equivalent of stopping a leak with a wad of bubblegum.

Well yesterday the metephorical gum came loose and couldn’t be put back on. And I was forced to get a new printer scanner. Cannon had a “loyal user” discount but that means I have to wait a week until I get it delivered to me. In the mean time the only images that get into my system are the ones I create from scratch.