Well the best I can say about the beginning of the day was I managed to get out the door while fighting a loosing battle with my short term memory. I had to go back in twice. First for my handkercheif and second for my notebook, but at least I remembered my cashbox the time around. I did not, as I realized when I got into the bus however, remember my lunch. It wasn’t the end of the world I had had a breakfast of steel cut oats which usually tides me over untl two.

So I got to the Convention with more than enough time to explore a bit and talk to some people before the convention started.

When the convention started so did the madness. It was very crowded and I only made one sale. I tried to keep telling myself that it was because most people use friday to “case the joint” and do most of their actual shopping on Saturday and Sunday… But still is a bit demoralizing I don’t think I really had my grove going… Usually I have a descent patter going within the first hour.

On a more entertaining note I started keeping tabs on all of the costumes going by. There was no real theme so far. The most common costume, as far as my extremely biased count went, was Doctor Who split evenly between David Tennant and Matt Smith.

All and all a hectic but interesting day. Here’s bracing ourselves for the next one.