Today was first Thursday aka free Thursday at the museums so I took the trek down town to do my push ups at the Seattle Art Museum. I had fairly good run their enjoying an exhibit of modern Indian photographers and sketching some Native-American carvings as well as taking another crack at Fogini’s “Baptism of Christ” and I’ll be more than happy to share them later because what happened next.

As I headed downtown I couldn’t help noticing the number of Seahawks jerseys and realized I’d completly forgotten that the season started today (as I’ve mentioned more than once I’m a terrible fan!) AfterI finished at the museum to watch people watching the game. After about ten minutes I decided to take out my sketchbook and started drawing what I saw.

Sketches like this rarely go very well. Not getting into the whole moving subject thing You’re trying to finish the sketch faster by drawing everything all at once which usually leads to one big mess. (not to mention the whole “while still on your bicycle thing. I swear this has to be the first time I ever experienced my groin falling asleep.) But the rewards are great because even if the sketch itself isn’t going to win any contests it frequently provides a layout for something promising.

But along with this the game and the fans were great to watch and if what the Hawks did to the Packers is any indication of what is to come we’ll have to start following the point spread to keep things interesting.


First picture outside the J & M Cafe, 1st Ave, Pioneer Square




Second Sketch across the street from Occidental Park

What the second sketch was a sketch of.

What the second sketch was a sketch of.