I had a very bad April Fools day with two “pranks” pulled on me. One involving a cop explaining to me in no uncertain terms that stop signs exist before six 0’clock even when there are no cars on the road (not counting the police cruiser directly behind you) The other was someone deciding to take my bike seat when I was making my Wednesday film selection at Scarecrow. The problem was in neither of these situations ended with anyone saying “April Fools”

Anyway this left me tetchy and paranoid that big brother was watching me for the next 48 hours and also figuring I should not assume once was a fluke if I want to be perceived as a good citizen I would have to rethink my morning workout even if it meant kissing any chance of repeating my best time of 32.5 minutes good bye.

So the current plan is to bike to Green Lake at a fast but orderly pace, obeying all traffic rules and then do my real workout of two laps around Green Lake (which only has two traffic lights but nothing like the ones that always stop me) and then go back to my apartment in a fast but legal pace.

It went okay the not worrying about any of the lights on the way was certainly less stressful and I did the six and a half miles around Green lake in twenty three minutes and fifty six seconds (I let myself get stopped by one of the lights and I haven’t topped off my tires in the last two weeks so there’s much room for room for improvements) RunKeeper said this was a new record (though part of this was because it was doing a different category of activity and part of it was that it was the first activity of the month)

All in all the only problem I had was mentally the workout felt over after the two laps and my trip home was a little too orderly rather than my usual attempt to get home from Green Lake in five minutes) perhaps I’ll start doing three laps around Green Lake to compensate for this… but then we start getting into issues like time and masochism.