For Day Five of my Batman Sketch Challenge I drew Oracle

With the magic Tupperware telling me to draw the lovely Barbara Gordon AKA Oracle has finally allowed me to get to one of the major points I have for one of the major points I had for my vision of this Batman sketch challenge… the Batcrew.

Based on what I have in mind, I have no idea if Babs was ever Batgirl (based on some of the things I’m thinking about I’m not sure if there even was a Batgirl… this thought may change) Though I’m mostly certain that Oracle had the same gruesome origin that she had in the comics.

So anyway… Batcrew. Does anyone believe that Alfred can keep all the Batcave running by himself? In this version, I’m seeing a staff of at least ten people.

Oracle is the head of the Information Department, which includes records and IT. That’s Joe the archivist working behind her (you know all those scenes where Batman is looking up something obscure in records? Who do you think keeps those records updated?)