Casting a Villain
Just a little tip of the hat to Chris Van Allsburg, one of my favorite illustrators from his book The Polar Express.
Remember how Peaseblossom told Kevin to stay on the Koala Road no matter what? Well this is why. Anyway that’s the Christmas Story for this year. Hope you all enjoyed it… Now on to the New Year.
You can tell Dielle’s stressed out. She wouldn’t assume Michelle would do something so crude otherwise, not even in jest.
Looks like the band is still stuck taking care of Begemotik since the supply of Fedya’s brand of cigarette’s ran out.
A very happy New Years to everybody. Michelle’s singing a mangled version of the Robert Burns poem, Prologue Spoken At The Theatre Of Dumfries New Year’s Eve 1790. The mangling was done by your’s truly to make it sound more like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…