As a guy who’s just a little sensitive about his height, Paul is not amused by the casting of this fantasy.
Brian’s that very special kind of smart that makes one resistant if not oblivious to subtle threats, insinuations and many of the other techniques in the art of politics. Also Gage is the latest victim of this fantasy’s casting.
Considering they’re both main characters and next door neighbors Paul and Brian don’t get much screen time together (the last time was in another dream sequence in 2011!) It’s a shame since they have pretty good chemistry.
Nancy’s Mom first declared that Paul and Nancy would join her on a camping trip on the Peninsula as a plan to get in some quaily time with her daughter and her “friend” here… They’re still not very happy about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It just occurred to me this might be the first time I’ve had Paul and Nancy flirting. How soon will it be before they admit they have a relationship.