Laurel is enjoying a Homestead Pop Popsicle a popular treat in the local street fair scene. Now featuring a seasonal favorite, pumpkin pie flavor.
Ariane Elder is a local actress/personality who’s productions include Steampunk Gorgon, Bad Moon and Theater of the Bloody Tongue. The reason she’s dressed so uncharacistally casual is the first act of her current matinee ends with a magical summoning scene followed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ariane Elder is a local actress/personality who’s productions include Steampunk Gorgon, Bad Moon and Theater of the Bloody Tongue. The two women in the foreground are Jackie Bishop and Falchionne Knight from Autumn Bay.
When you come down with a bad case of double entendres it’s best to shut up fast. Incidentally Gage has been bald since an annoyed Dielle forbid him letting it grow back here.
Fran and Olive have been passing out Brian’s Flyers all day at the Trout Debs street fair. A word of advice to Olive about respect. If a die hard feminist calls you a girl… you probably don’t have it.
Laurel’s talking about this Sponge Bath there’s been other circumstantial evidence about Fran and Olive’s current housing situation but so far everybody missed it.