I come from a family of zoologists and birdwatchers. Because of this, I knew what a snipe was long before I ever heard of a snipe hunt. In fact, the first time I read about a snipe hunt, in what[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No Surprises No Surprises?
One of the annoying things about having Hilda as a personal assistant is she believes that if she scheduled something, it isn’t a surprise. It’s not her fault that her boss doesn’t look at her day planner. In the meantime,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Couldn’t We Have Met At a Cheaper Place?
We haven’t seen Mr. Moroni for a while. It’s not clear whether he got a new assignment, been keeping a low profile, or, who knows, maybe his probation is finally over. Still, Mr. Ying does have a point. Mr. Moroni[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I would worry that people like Nancy and Dielle might kill each other when trapped in a room together. Once the drinks are served, they acknowledge the challenge, they will move on. After all, Dielle’s biggest strength is she’s a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It looks like Liam’s barbecue campaign event went pretty well because of, or most likely despite, all of Tara’s shenanigans.
The client, Yuki, you know, the one that Gage has been ranting about for the past month,finally appears. While we still don’t have any actual evidence if she’s quite as bad as Gage says, random acts of flirting don’t count,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fedya made it through the rest of the night without any cigarettes. But once the last set was over, he needed to go outside and cool his head in the rain. After that, he just kept walking. He can count[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I Think She’s Serious
The rest of the gang have just arrived at the demonstration. Everyone is more than happy to help, even though Suma is the only one who’s serious.
Can’t Talk, Need Smoke
Nothing like a convenient nicotine addiction to get out of an awkward conversation, is there? If somebody has a question just remember it’s time for your smoke break. When you need one about every fifteen minutes anyway, who’s going to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Plans For The Evening
Hilda’s gotten so good at micromanaging Kate’s life she even plans her social life. Thus far, Kate has been too busy finishing her book to notice.