The Element of Surprise
We haven’t seen Melody Crawford since last Thanksgiving. For the most part, this is a good thing since she frequently has plans that can surprise even Brian.
We haven’t seen Melody Crawford since last Thanksgiving. For the most part, this is a good thing since she frequently has plans that can surprise even Brian.
Well, everybody, We’re back with Fran and Olive, who are back from their nighttime errand. They probably got back to the hotel sometime around four. So, along with the jetlag, being allowed to sleep until eight the next “day” isn’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Despite being fully aware of her roommate’s good intentions, Dielle thinks she overdoes it and tries to make sure anything Deidre does is relatively low-key. Since Deidre comes from a very rich and influential family, she tends to forget that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The “experiment” Rowan’s telling Laurel about is whatever Brian and Melody Crawford were talking about when they left Brian’s office. The reason Rowan’s concerned about it (beyond all the ways one of Brian’s extracurricular activities could blow up in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
While Deidre takes pride in having a good relationship with all of her clients, she only really gets a chance to know them when there is a delay in the schedule. Otherwise, they all leave quite quickly.
After a long wait, the gang is taking Mitzi to the dog park. Even though lunch and drinks afterward have been mentioned, this is the first time that Hsin has realized this is a double date.
Showing a… dog that’s twice your size who’s boss is a good idea in theory. Practice is another thing altogether.
I had notes of other dogs reacting to Mitzi being “forward” for as long as I’ve had Mitzi in the strip. The joke consisted of Michelle showing Paul photos of Mitzi at a dog park. The punchline had Paul saying,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mitzi shows Hsin how much she appreciates him taking her to the dog park. Paul gets out of there before she shows how much he appreciates him. One of the reasons I need to have Mitzi show up more often[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…