Keep Her Safe
So we find that at least one of the reasons Hilda has been away. Keeping Olive safe in a strange city is a full time job. I hope I’m not talking smack about Zurich here. Blossom has some weird points[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So we find that at least one of the reasons Hilda has been away. Keeping Olive safe in a strange city is a full time job. I hope I’m not talking smack about Zurich here. Blossom has some weird points[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The team Mr. Zhu led for the Circle Band’s road trip that Mr. Lo saw no reason to start again from scratch… Keeping the team’s momentum going aside, he may regret that. Ms. Wan is one of those wonderful characters[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We haven’t seen Dielle’s cat, Xiao Mao, since 2021 (Actually he belongs to her roommate, but since Deidre is hardly ever around, it hardly makes a difference.) I admit that this is the most vocal I have ever made him.
While Mr. Zhu tries to deal with his new position, Ms. Wan tries to climb the brand-new political ladder. Trying to butter up Mr. Lo may not be the best way to do this. In the past, Mr. Zhu has[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We haven’t seen Dielle’s roommate, Deidre, since her summer barbecue in 2021. Her job as a psychopomp keeps her so busy. She hardly knows what to do with her free time anymore.
Like many of the codenames you see for corporate and government projects, “fractured Melody” was clearly not created by someone in marketing. (We’ve never seen any of the names of the other projects that weren’t any better. As Mr. Zhu[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shilo’s house hunt started more than a year ago. The progress has been delayed due to the circle band’s road trip. The Department of Minor Nuisances has been using this as a source of aggravation for some time.
Sometimes things work naturally enough that no divine intervention is needed at all. The housing market is one of these things. This will hopefully give the DMN some time to work with since even a case triple eight might assume[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not counting Mr. Zhu mentioning her in a previous meeting, we haven’t seen Dana since her last Thanksgiving party. Since she’s been the one looking at houses for the last couple of months it’s understandable she’d like some help from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…