While Nancy struggles with staying mad at her sister after a great game, she can’t help noticing a familiar”vintage” station wagon parked by the house. It looks as if Paul is trying to see if he can do what his[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for amy
Just because your boyfriend shows up on a day he knew you’d be downtown watching a baseball game with a teenage girl you’ve never met before doesn’t mean there’s a problem. Nikki’s heard everything about Nancy through the family rumor[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ignore The Chuckleheads
Despite what her chucklehead roommates say, Nancy will lay down the law. Staying at her house will not be an ongoing sleepover party. That being said, there will probably be the occasional makeover.
When’s The Flight?
Nancy’s Mom is always fun to write. Especially her tendency to visit with little or no warning. The fact that she told her daughters when her flight was is practically an improvement! Enough time has passed, that Paul trusts Nikki[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hugs All Around
Nancy’s Mom is here and there are hugs for everybody! This one is a bit of a retread of one of Tara’s early appearances. I regret nothing.
I Don’t Do Enthusiasm
Don’t mind Nancy, she’s just a grumpikins. Her time as a high school cheerleader is something else we will never hear about. It’s been fun doing a bit of worldbuilding by giving Homestead a consistent skyline which I can show[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. I know, at this moment, it doesn’t feel like there’s much to be thankful for we’re all in this together and the only way is forward.