The band has left Kevin enough times that worrying about a missing drummer is not being paranoid. Fortunately, Dielle is on the job.
Archive for fedya
Relax everyone, despite what Dielle is saying today, everything is on schedule. As Paul said, it’s a mystery why Dielle is letting this get to her. Compared to last year’s road trip, this is a cakewalk. On another note, Fedya[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What He Needs
Fedya assumes he needs a smoke before the performance, but you never know. We last saw Gabriella continually running into Fedya during the band’s road trip. They even seemed to be beginning to tolerate each other. It looks as if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This Again?
During the road trip, Fedya kept running into Gabriella because she was working for the Event planning firm that had arranged most of the gigs on the trip. This working arrangement has not stopped, much to Gabriella’s annoyance. She deals[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Trouble in Paradise
Dielle finds the “trouble in paradise” that is Fedya’s social life, very amusing. It keeps her distracted by her other problems.
Dielle probably didn’t expect the crowds when she took the others busking. She certainly didn’t expect to be running late. As it’s been mentioned before, Hsin’s Russian is a lot better than his English. So when Fedya’s the only person[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Star Has Arrived
More Visibility
With her dance video going viral, Dielle thinks this is the chance to give the band more visibility.