Obviously, these “visitors” are from Hsin’s Grandmother. while I can’t say these are the same people, they probably looked like this.
Archive for hsin
One could argue that Nancy is predictable in her unpredicability, but it’s safer not to assume such things. For the record, Paul first mentioned that he and Nancy would be going to the premiere of the latest film from a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For everybody who is paying attention, the fact that Hsin’s Grandmother bothered to come in person in is bad enough. However, Hsin is specifically trying not to worry about the letter she just sent him. The vagueness of the phrase,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After the surprise of having his own butler, whether he wants one or not, Hsin definitely wants an aperitif… probably several.
Pancake Day started all the way back here. While there’s bound to be plenty of pancakes leftover, it’s just not the same. Because Hsin won’t answer the question (just yet), Fang is the “butler” that Hsin’s grandmother foisted on him.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Nancy has been telling Paul about Stellar Journeys for a while and none of it has stuck. It’s no wonder that Nancy has to test him. Manuel, the music arranger at the studio first showed up way back here.