Kate arrives to check out the renovations. There are a lot of things to do before the store closes for the week. It’s a good thing she has a personal assistant to handle the tedious and time-consuming things.
Archive for kate
While I don’t like to be overtly political, I will throw out this one public service announcement. Tomorrow is Election Day. Don’t forget to vote. . Living in Washington, I take great pleasure in having a mail-in ballot allowing me[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A few weeks have passed since we last saw Kate. The renovations, requiring her to briefly close Lysistrata, have officially begun. To her surprise, the hardest last-minute decision figuring out who was going to take care of the store cat.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not a Problem
Letting Blossom and Goblin enable each other would certainly be a problem. While Hilda may not have approved of Kate having a key to Stefan’s apartment, she seems to believe this only applies to Kate. (Whether she would need it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Boss Has Spoken
I’m not sure how comfortable Hilda is with being called the boss, even when Kate is joking. Still, she’s the only one the cat listens to.
Kate braces herself for another meeting with Kris. Unfortunately, she can’t run. It makes Hilda cross.
I admit it, I love writing Kris scenes. I love how she makes Kate paranoid even when she’s working in her best interests. Why would Kate be paranoid, you ask? Experience.
For anyone new to the comic, Kate reacts to events on Black Friday despite its prime visibility because she attends her father’s union rally downtown.