This barbecue is Liam’s official step into politics. So, not counting a handful of interviews, this is his first official big political speech. Don’t worry, he’ll do fine. Tara’s got fifty dollars riding on it, after all
Archive for liam
Personally, I’m terrible at public speaking, even when I have a script. I’ve never quite believed the “pretend your audience is naked advice. I’m enough of a prude that once I perceive this, my reaction would be indistinguishable from choking.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There are some very good reasons to do research before writing a story. In this case, I needed to know what sort of technical difficulties a saxophonist might have at a gig. Before all this all knew what could happen,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So it’s official, Liam won his city council position. Now Brian has a title to address him with should he feel respectful.
And by blood, we mean politics. The rest of the family has very mixed feelings about Tara’s new hobby. On one side it doesn’t focus on them personally. On the other the scale she’s playing with now is terrifying. To[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
More Transparency Please
The problem with Brian embracing transparency is he’s more than happy to tell people everything. The lucky people don’t understand any of it. The rest recover… eventually.
This year the holidays are going to be hard. Even if I could score a Thanksgiving dinner, I don’t think I would go. I’ll probably end up going out for a walk, try some recipes and if I’m lucky, stream[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
An Impressive Council Meeting
We haven’t heard much from Liam since his move to city politics. We can assume that this isn’t his first council meeting no matter what Tara implies.
Tara sees a lot of possibilities in her brother’s future and looks forward to helping him make them a reality.
Mr. Mayor
Tara has been dropping hints that Liam should run for mayor ever since he became a city councilman. It looks as if he finally gave in.