Archive for lisa
Just to make sure everyone’s keeping up Rowan spent a good part of last week messing with Blossom to get back at her over what she did to Fran & Olive. On another note you can see how Rowan got[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
By an incredible coincidence Nancy once had a very bad relationship with a “deranged Irish boy.” And as for any history of a relationship between Laurel and Brian…
I had much bigger plans for Janet. In the beginning I had planned to have her as a major part of the supporting cast as part of Kate’s circle of friends. And then she met Brian… Things kind of went[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The key too her heart and the switch to her brain. While we don’t know about anything about any professional relationship, you can see hints towards the bushes Janet mentioned here.