Michelle is always happy to invite more people to dinner. Thus this year’s Thanksgiving story starts this year.
Archive for michelle
The Special Chair
Michelle’s Thanksgiving party has begun! Shilo and Dana are the first to arrive. The last time we saw Dana we learned she was expecting. Some time has passed and now she’s beginning to show. There won’t be too much time[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They’ll Have Us Outnumbered
Even though the age difference between his new daughter and Bonnie and Jules means she won’t be a co-conspirator for some time. Having said that Shilo probably isn’t being too paranoid. After all, who knows what they’ll be doing as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. I know, at this moment, it doesn’t feel like there’s much to be thankful for we’re all in this together and the only way is forward.
Not Interrupting?
Michelle’s back from checking on how Dana and Shilo are doing with the new addition to the family. She’s not interrupting any conversations at all! I haven’t had Michelle around for a while. Sometimes I find her difficult to use[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Come To The Party!
We’re back up to the office where Nancy has been having “quality time” against her will on her office day. We learn more about the party with Michelle inviting both Nancy and her Mom to attend. This is not the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We’ll Be Unstoppable!
Now that Michelle and her mom are double-teaming her, it’s only a matter of time before Nancy starts working for the band full-time. Ms. Wren is right on schedule for Fedya and Gabriella’s relationship.
Happy Birthday Abe and Charles
Anything Good?
The last time we saw Russell, the sound engineer, was right after he was hired and Michelle introduced him to everybody at the Geoduck Festival. So, he didn’t run off screaming after all. Nancy, who wasn’t there, only knows about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Good Reputation
When you’re starting a new record label, and you want to bring in great talent, it’s good to start with a new reputation.