The Relationship Rundown
Ms. Wren is back to provide the rundown about all the Circle Band’s current and pending relationships. She would have been here earlier, but she had the same problem with the memo, Ms. Wan sent out, that everybody else has.
Ms. Wren is back to provide the rundown about all the Circle Band’s current and pending relationships. She would have been here earlier, but she had the same problem with the memo, Ms. Wan sent out, that everybody else has.
The Department of Love defines Fedya and Gabriella’s “relationship” as a standard “Bad Boy/Tsundere Dynamic”. I apologize to everyone who already knows, but Tsundere is anime slang for a character who fits the archetype of being cold or even hostile[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There are plenty of stable relationships in the Circle Band. Since they usually aren’t as funny as the other ones, we don’t see them quite as much.
I am very reluctant to refer to Ms. Wren doing her job, as scheduled, as a hit. It’s hard enough having to explain that the Department of Love kept up with the times and replaced bows and arrows with firearms[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Having moved most of the issues involving the Circle Band to Mr. Zhu, Mr. Lo has wisely stayed out of the last meeting. That does not mean he wants to be kept out of the loop anyway. For the most[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now that Michelle and her mom are double-teaming her, it’s only a matter of time before Nancy starts working for the band full-time. Ms. Wren is right on schedule for Fedya and Gabriella’s relationship.