For everyone who’s paying attention, Paul and Nancy’s evening is going to consist of going to see the premiere of a science fiction film. It was first mentioned here… Though Nancy demonstrated how… excited she is here.
Archive for paul
It looks like Nancy just added to Paul’s collection of Hawaiian Shirts. For better or for worse it’s more evidence of her “sugar mama” status… something Paul does NOT like being reminded of. Leave it to Fedya to do just[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fedya has put a lot of thought on the way things start. Or at least enjoys watching people squirm when they think he’s insinuating things. Dielle and Fedya’s conversation continues from here.
Pancake Day started all the way back here. While there’s bound to be plenty of pancakes leftover, it’s just not the same. Because Hsin won’t answer the question (just yet), Fang is the “butler” that Hsin’s grandmother foisted on him.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Nancy has been telling Paul about Stellar Journeys for a while and none of it has stuck. It’s no wonder that Nancy has to test him. Manuel, the music arranger at the studio first showed up way back here.
Well, what kind of line for a top franchise film did you expect on opening night? Of course, not many people have Nancy’s connections. My one regret on this particular strip is after I put all of that time into[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As a film buff, the issue of trailers is something I disagree with Paul about. They’re one of the best parts of the film! (not popcorn though, while I sympathize with the theater’s need to create revenue, it’s one tactic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Paul is one of those annoying mundanes that asks all those questions that rip apart your suspension of disbelief. One of these questions is why don’t they just shoot them, or in this case use plasma cannons. The answer, in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…