Considering how long “days” in Antarctica are, Peaseblossom has been waiting in line for a lot more than 24 hours… not that she’d be so crass as to point this out.
Archive for peaseblossom
Like all of their duties around Christmastime, Peaseblossom’s mission is very important and is not at all shopping in a fancy boutique.
A quick reminder, Blossom is a pixie. Comparing her to one of the sugar plum fairies is one of the worst insults you can use on her. As seen here.
It’s not that Peaseblossom has a problem with things being “just business”, it’s one of her favorite excuses after all. It’s when other people use it that she gets annoyed.
Certainly, Hilda knows what happens after the candlelight dinners, but thinking about those things embarrasses her.