Archive for comic
It’s nice to see that every now and again for Gage to be calm and collected enough to just be a dick.
I love the works of Antoni Gaudi and while I’m pretty sure there was nothing that would have made him leave his beloved Barcelona I like to think that in the world that Rhapsodies takes place in he got a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shilo’s youngest child, Jules, was last seen at Michelle’s Thanksgiving party and not seen since. It’s not his fault Bonnie tends to steal the show.
I worry that I might be endorsing creationism in this strip… or at least intelligent design. It wasn’t intentional, honest! The biases of the Celestial Bureaucracy’s Research and Development Department are based on J.B.S. Haidane‘s observation that if there was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It is not quite clear if the gentle conspiracy that allĀ the coffee shops in Homestead make sure that Brian only ever get’s decaf is official or not. Or if the word has gotten out beyond city limits. The thing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…