“Those Gigs” refer to all those “special” events that the band is hired for. While the have done several, only a few of them are remembered.
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Hsin and Gage are arguing about the little surprise Hsin got from his friend a little while back which while is certainly a big deal, Hsin is not about to drop his game face over it to Gage.
Deidre hasn’t shown up much recently though it’s understandable since she’s busy (most likely playing catchup from her bosses party) and probably needs to unwind as much as Dielle.
Shilo knows from experience that thinking about “those gigs” can be extremely disorienting. Explaining this to Dielle does not do good things for her sense of humor.
You almost feel sorry for Gage in his desperate attempts to impress Dielle. Also Fedya is a terrible matchmaker.
Dielle is right to be concerned about her directions since it’s absolutely ridiculous for there to be a high class party in some run down farm in the south end of the county. Just like there can’t be a freight[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Since this is the first time Dielle’s done one of “those gigs” she didn’t know what to expect out of one of the party. Let alone that actually working it would be optional.
Happy Birthday Abe & Charles!
A very happy 207 birthday to Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin! Normally these days I’ll just stick it into a blog entry but this was the first time it’s been on a Friday for a while so I had a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…