Kate’s trip to Havana first came up when Kris surprised her with it here. Blossom first heard about it a little later. What Blossom’s plans are, are anyone’s guess.
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The Karinsky District is about two miles south from Trout-Debs so it makes one heck of a detour for Kate’s “lunchtime stroll”. Beyond it being the location for Dunsany’s it’s only been mentioned by name one other time. I’m embarrassed to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It probably will take a few more arrangements for Stefan to get out of Dunsany’s than it would for Kate to close Lysistrata but that’s what delegation is for. Also Stefan isn’t the only one who’s been able to do[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Continued from Monday, Blossom has too many distractions regarding her plan for two free weeks of stalking… er… her romantic endeavors.
Just because Dielle didn’t notice Michelle was behind her all along doesn’t mean she was sneaking up on her.
I’m not sure what Michelle’s view on faith actually is, I’m not even sure if she’d understand the question, but when it comes to her guys’ self esteem she’s all for the placebo effect.
Despite evidence to the contrary, Gage is perfectly confident in his abilities, in what other people, like a paying audience might think… not so much. And besides… who knows what else they’re saying about you?
I had fun designing the front entrance for all of the party’s V.I.P guests cribbing a whole lot of 30s and 40s industrial, pro labor murals in the style of Diego Rivera.