Kate’s obsessing about loosing her privacy as well as getting outed as a celebrity and a hack lead her to exaggerating the odds of this happening. Both Stefan and Lisa find this amusing.
Archive for comic
Having a translator (and publicist) make you sound both witty and charming can be a mixed blessing. I always find it funny when Kate has to deal with extremely cheerful people wanting to be her friend.
Kate is fully aware that her trip to Havana was all about the publicity. It was a bit of a blow for Laszlo Lowenstein, the guy who was doing the actual work, to be blunt about it but she was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For all her complaining Kate enjoyed the trip. Despite getting mugged by her muse yet again… Thinking that alcohol will solve that problem is probably wishful thinking.
Coming Home
There is no Ceremony in Love
It’s been a while since Jennifer Wren, fieldworker for the Department of Love, has shown up. I’m not sure if she’s actively flirting with Mr. Zhu or if it’s part of her general outgoing nature. (I think Mr. Zhu might be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Multiple Cases of Mutual Experience
A “Mutual Experience” is the official term the Celestial Bureaucracy uses for… well… you know. The first time we heard it was here
Their Relationship is All Very Complicated
The history of the complicated relationship between Dielle and Gage go back as far as here (even though they actually met a few months later.) Mr. Ying and Deidre have been an item since here. However, it’s Deidre being Dielle’s roommate that’s the main[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
She’s the One With the Jet Lag
Blossom’s right of course, how could Hilda have jet lag when she never went to Havana and spent all her time stalking Kevin? Pay no attention to anything else your lying eyes might see.