Ariane meeting Brian’s parents was probably the biggest snag in this whole affair. Not for Tara though. She’s enjoying this way too much. Brian may seem a little too aware here, but sibling politics are something he pays attention to.
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All the things Liam suspects Brian of could fill a book. In this case he suspects Brian of a series of promotions, aluded to here and here.
Just because Ariane’s here with Brian doesn’t mean she can’t shop around a bit. Tara’s getting a lot more than just entertainment inviting her.
I Thought It Was Touch Football!
The annual after feast football game has been a Fitzpatrick family Thanksgiving tradition since forever. Remember it’s not who wins or looses, it’s who keeps their food down the longest! Ariane has mastered the subtle technique of giving her opponent[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A Fresh Bowl of Muesli
While I may be overdoing the Swiss stereotype here, Muesli is very much in character for Hilda. This is the day after, Lisa had Hilda carry Kate back home so she’d stay human while working on her novel.. It looks like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Her Keeper
Looks like Kate is going to be stuck with Hilda as her keeper until she finishes her next book. Kate usually spends Black Friday attending union rallies with her father. And for the sake of the story let us ignore[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Kate’s Cousin
Technically Kate’s cousin, Erika first show’d up here. She was pretty much another face to fill out the table. To amuse myself I stuck in a cameo. The problem was that this wasn’t a face in the crowd. It was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Staying in her writers cave for the last couple of weeks has left Kate completely out of touch from reality. It looks like Hilda put her foot down just in time or Kate would have forgotten what day it was.
Hot Chocolate
These Black Friday rallies have always been a father daughter thing for Kate, and hot chocolate was always involved afterwards. Of course since Hilda’s tagging around, Mr. Jennersten is going to have to find good hot chocolate.