Archive for comic
Meet Kate’s sister in law, Johanna “Jo” Jennersten. I don’t have any good reason for why we didn’t see her this week, just assume she had work and she and Anton have their schedule arranged so they can take turns on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not a Cat Fight
Lars, the black sheep of the Jennersten family (or at least the one too dumb to keep from getting caught) has been mentioned a few times. With any luck, he’ll never actually show up.
Happy Thanksgiving
Duels are no longer considered a proper way for ladies to settle their differences. Therefore it’s necessary to settle for Mario Kart.
It looks like Suma’s going to fit in just fine at Lysistrata. Also, just to make sure everyone’s on the same page here, Suma is referring to the store cat, Goblin who barely gets a fraction of the screen time[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…