So this makes it official. Janet was helping at Brian’s tax event, and as Laurel expected, read WAY too much into it. Brian probably did it because after she’s the only other accountant he remembers after she helped at the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for comic
Sometimes one can’t get too one’s office to catch the memo the boss sent. At least he arrived early enough that the information is still valuable… not that that’s going to stop him from trying to overcompensate, just to be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There Is Such Thing as Being Too Early
It looks like getting to the meeting early was not as sensible a precaution as Mr. Zhu had planned. Now he’s stuck in a meet room for as long as a large and determined office worker says. Speaking of that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Are There Enough For Everybody?
Not Late Enough
Even getting to the meeting a few minutes after the alleged starting time was not late enough to keep Mr. Lo waiting just as long as everybody else. Considering who Mr. Lo’s girlfriend is… no, an avatar of death probably[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No Exit
Okay, I admit it. I was being a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual git and tried to squeeze in a reference to Sartre’s play, No Exit into the joke. The trick is to make the reference vague enough that what Mr. Lo is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Some Last Minute Questions
The boss has arrived with the consultant. The meeting can finally start. One has to wonder what questions had come up for them to be so late.
A Familiar Report
Out of the Mouths of Bull Creatures
While he’s certainly a bit of a simple soul, I do not believe that Mr. Large Hideous Creature is stupid. It’s just he’s not politically astute enough to realize pointing out flaws in the proposals of the higher ups might[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…