Archive for comic
Olive got her instructs from Brian right before the trip started. Olive was hoping she’d get a good night’s sleep before she read them.
While I’m sure Isra helped plan the trip to Tokyo. She was with Brian when he sent Fran and Olive along of course. I don’t, however know if she knew what Brian’s instructions were. Sure she seems to be prepared[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Above My Pay Grade
After his conversation with Mr. Lo, Mr. Zhu compares notes with Mr. Ying about their conversation the night before. Mr. Ying is worried about what if this kind of thing is worth his pay grade.
Lunchtime Conversation
Obviously, it’s not a good idea to have a meeting about something that isn’t going on and is certainly not official. On the other hand, if it’s something that isn’t happening, nobody is going to stop you from having a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Plans and Playoffs
Obviously, Mr. Ying and Mr. Zhu couldn’t spend their whole night off talking shop, “unofficially”. There were bound to be several games playing on the bar’s flatscreens and the topic of the playoffs is bound to come up.
While Gage has been in Deidre’s apartment several times, along with being in the same room with her, he seems to have only met her twice. Once at a Thanksgiving dinner and the other time at a bar. He probably forgot about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes the band’s token party animal needs to be put on a leash. Especially when he finds insinuating himself into private conversations amusing. Having said that, the Department of Minor Nuisances is more than happy to take credit for all[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No Playing Favorites
When Mr. Lo warns Mr. Zhu about playing favorites, what he is warning about how the DMN focused on Gage during one of their previous projects because he was “easy”. Because of this, the Department found themselves owing Gage a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I Couldn’t Possibly Comment
Neither Francis Urquest or Underwood have anything on Mr. Lo on what things are appropriate to comment on.