Michelle’s last-minute meeting came as a surprise for the Department of Minor Nuisances. However, one can not pass up a window of opportunity. Even when exploiting it properly requires an all-nighter.
Archive for comic
During the road trip, Fedya kept running into Gabriella because she was working for the Event planning firm that had arranged most of the gigs on the trip. This working arrangement has not stopped, much to Gabriella’s annoyance. She deals[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Trouble in Paradise
Dielle finds the “trouble in paradise” that is Fedya’s social life, very amusing. It keeps her distracted by her other problems.
How Did The House Viewing Go?
Shilo’s house hunt continues. Due to a busy work week, he couldn’t help. The Department of Minor Nuisances considers this useful.
Anything Else?
We all ask that question if we could have done something better, or more… or on budget. As you may recall, Dielle invited herself along to listen to Nancy’s rant about her surprise. It looks like Paul and Gage got[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Getting Interesting
It looks as if Mr. Zhu is recovering from a long night of overtime. After all, when things get interesting it’s nice to see how things end.
Festival Time!
The last Geoduck festival we saw was way back here, but take my word for it the Circle Band has been performing here ever since with the usual mixed results.
Since Nancy doesn’t have any excuses not to help the band it looks like the DMN will be spreading the misery out quite a bit.
The Big Thing
In today’s Rhapsodies, it’s time to worry about the big thing. Michelle’s back from the business meeting she spent the day attending, much to Dielle’s relief.. While I wouldn’t call the Geoduck festival a big problem, Nancy calling it one[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Don’t Hold Out
Nancy hasn’t been holding out about the wedding. This is just been Dielle’s first chance to bring it up. While for Nancy it happened this morning, for the rest of us she got drafted as a bridesmaid way back here.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…