Archive for comic
About The Properties
Because the Department of Minor Nuisances has multiple field operations going on at all times, they own a surprising number of properties to support them. The need for any of these properties fluctuates all the time. This is a fact[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
More Visibility
With her dance video going viral, Dielle thinks this is the chance to give the band more visibility.
Shilo gets the call regarding the house Ms. Wan was telling Mr. Lo about. Thanks to the short notice, He’s already suspicious.
All According to Plan!
Ms. Wan has all of the details of her plan worked out. There’s a chance that having Mr. Fluffybear as her assistant will complicate things, but she probably has that covered as well. How much she told anybody else about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After months of looking at terrible houses, Shilo and Dana are on the lookout for anything wrong with locations. One would imagine that a neighbor’s front yard that has more than one garden gnome per square inch could be considered[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shilo and Dana are checking out their latest lead on the house. After several months, Shilo is getting cynical. Dana, who’s been at it even longer, just wants to get it over with.
The Broker
Shilo and Dana get their first look at the house. Other than Ms. Wan’s… interesting description of its history, it looks like a nice place. (Don’t listen to Shilo’s concerns about the parrot… Anyone can see that it’s a cockatoo.)