Game of Thrones – King In The North
The King in the north scene is the one of my favorite in both the show and the book.
Regrettably, it was one of the hardest one to figure out. In the show this scene takes place in the ruins of a darkened castle. In the original text it takes place in the well lit great hall of Riverrun. It was dificult figuring out how to fit both Greatjon Umber and Robb Stark in the rectangular format. This was before I realized I had gotten the seating wrong. I had gone in assuming the Greatjon was part of the crowd with Robb, Catelyn and Edmure Tully sitting up front, when actually the Greatjon is sitting right next to Robb. It was also frustrating that I couldn’t find what the Greatjon looked like. I’ve been trying to avoid the show and other illustrations and stick to how the book describes people, but all Mr. Martin says about the Greatjon, is that he’s HUGE.
In the end, I think this one came out as… okay for me… but not much more.

He pointed at Robb with the blade. “There stands the only king I mean to bow my knee to, m’lords,” He thundered. “The King in the North!”
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