Today’s Halloween sketch was one of the ones I thought I was looking forward too. I’ve done numerous sketches of the Kappa and am rather fond of my basic design. But when I got around to having to my sketch of it I was a little stumped on what I was going to do. The first couple of ideas seemed a little too much like Andy Serkis. as Gollum, besides I’d already done one of a Ghoul crouching like that and I’d already done a Chupacabra lurking in the brush. Finally it hit me that a lot of the Kappa legends were a lot like the asian version of the Troll under the bridge.

So here we have a Kappa blocking the way of a Monk. Let us hope he has remembered his cucumber… or at least that the Kappa is polite… and whatever you do do not challenge it to a sumo wrestling bout.
