Downtown Homestead
Meet the Band 2
Kate’s Cousin
Technically Kate’s cousin, Erika first show’d up here. She was pretty much another face to fill out the table. To amuse myself I stuck in a cameo. The problem was that this wasn’t a face in the crowd. It was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hot Chocolate
These Black Friday rallies have always been a father daughter thing for Kate, and hot chocolate was always involved afterwards. Of course since Hilda’s tagging around, Mr. Jennersten is going to have to find good hot chocolate.
Hilda Puts Her Foot Down
It’s not as if Hilda hasn’t put her foot down already as Kate’s minder, but this time it sounds like she means it. Also it looks like we won’t be seeing her around for certain annual “seasonal work”
Something Difficult
Paul’s been picking Nancy up at work enough that he’s read most of the magazines in the lobby. Also, while both them would deny it the way they’re tossing sarcastic remarks back and fourth is yet another sign of chemistry.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ll Leave The Ideas to You.
Call Security
Calling Security probably wouldn’t have done Hsin any good since Lin probably paid them off by now. We last saw Lin when he visited last time, attending Michelle’s Thanksgiving party and giving Hsin the apartment.