A Business Hook-Up
No, it’s not that kind of hook-up. It’s just Kate and Lisa going to the Peach Blossom for drinks… Honest!
No, it’s not that kind of hook-up. It’s just Kate and Lisa going to the Peach Blossom for drinks… Honest!
The last time we saw Nancy’s sometime assistant and confident Rachel was this November. Since she barely shows up twice a year, don’t feel guilty about remembering any more details about her love life than Nancy does. None of this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hilda is back from her trip to Brian’s think tank. Now that she is done with her “official” duties, it’s time to make sure Kate’s productivity will amaze her. If Kate wanted to have any say in the matter, she[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It seems unlikely, or at least sad, that Rachel considers Nancy one of her best friends. Perhaps, as unpleasant as Nancy can be when she’s in a bad mood. It still beats the backstabbing pettiness of everyone else.
It makes sense that Suma would be the employee that has useful suggestions for the store. I said Useful suggestions, Blossom!
Blossom tends to be so full of herself that she would never leave something left unsaid. She claims it is part of her charm… she’s wrong.
Yes, Fran and Olive are still over at Brian’s think tank and Rowan is trying to get to the bottom of what they are up to (besides enjoying scones that is.) This is difficult because Fran and Olive don’t know[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fedya assumes he needs a smoke before the performance, but you never know. We last saw Gabriella continually running into Fedya during the band’s road trip. They even seemed to be beginning to tolerate each other. It looks as if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…