Dielle probably didn’t expect the crowds when she took the others busking. She certainly didn’t expect to be running late. As it’s been mentioned before, Hsin’s Russian is a lot better than his English. So when Fedya’s the only person[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Playing Catch Up
Kate has survived what was undoubtedly an exhausting book panel. She has a signing session coming up soon, which will be just as tiring. But before that happens, she has to play catch-up with Kris at a lunch meeting. The[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I Have To Do The Worrying
Since Hsin is usually the quiet one, It can come as a surprise when he gets tetchy. Who’d have thought worrying would be a job description?
What’s Best
I’m sure Kris is sincere when she says she wants what’s best for Kate. It’s just the way she goes about it that makes it difficult for Kate to believe her.
Watching Your Back
After being chewed out by Hsin in the last strip, Gage thinks the day will continue to get worse. However, for once, fate isn’t cooperating. In fact, there may be people watching his back for a change. This makes Gage[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Being Watched
As we can see, in Kevin’s defense, there is someone else besides the audience watching the band… He just isn’t very good at it.
Did You Like The Show?
We last saw Nancy and Amy taking their time getting to the band’s performance. It looks like they were a little more fashionably late than anticipated. Getting public affection from Nancy is something Paul’s still getting used to.
The End of the Day
Blossom’s like a cat sometimes. She’ll act like she’s exhausted after a long day only to start bouncing off the walls as soon as something catches her interest.
Stefan has been spending the whole day listening to bands and talking to musicians. He probably needs the downtime even more than Kate does.
Where He Lives
Just going where Kevin lives and grabbing him would seem to be the easy solution. As we see here the main reason that Blossom and Hilda haven’t done this yet is they’re both very busy. On top of that, Blossom[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…