Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Well for some time me and all of my friends at the Dreaming Comics and Games store have been teased by the rumors of Marvel’s cinema universe taking it’s next step with doing an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D television show and just yesterday I was pointed towards the first full trailer of the show! What I’m seeing so far is the usual exposition, a taste of witty dialogue, what seems to be Luke Cage in the first episode and… HOLY &^$% AGENT COULSON IS ALIVE! I GOTTA SEE THIS!!!
Ahem.. .Well. Looks promising but of course the making of trailers has become an art form which when done right can drag you in whole heatedly while telling you absolutely nothing… but still, here’s hoping. What I’m seeing here is the usI don’t follow Joss Whedon quite as religiously as some people I know but I think I can trust him to focus on story arcs as opposed to the monster (in this case superhero/villain) of the week.