Today’s Rhapsody is Frederick Delius’s Second Dance Rhapsody.
Posts Tagged Classical Music
For this week’s Tuesday Rhapsody we’re doing the last of Alan Hovhanes‘ Armenian Rhapsodies. (okay, tell a lie. It’s the second, but it’s the last of the three that we’ve done here.) Enjoy.
For today’s Rhapsody we return to David Hopper with his Hungarian Rhapsody for Cello and Streichorchester (String Orchestra) Opus 86
This week’s Rhapsody is Ernest John Moeran’s Second Rhapsody in E Minor.
For this week’s Rhapsody we have Harriet Cohen and the London Symphony Orchestra perform Hubert Bath’s Cornish Rhapsody from the film Love Story.
For this week’s rhapsody we have Jan Vaclav Hugo Vorisek‘s Third Rhapsody
This week’s Rhapsody is Rhapsody for Euphonium by James Curnow
This week’s Rhapsody is Masao Ohki‘s Japanese Rhapsody (along with Ideas of Night)
This week’s Rhapsody is Rhapsody for Orchestra by Yasushi Akutagawa. I wasn’t familiar with Akutagawa but I’m enjoying his work… This piece almost comes off like a cross between Gershwin and one of the Stravinsky to me.