The Costume Party
The Underdog Halloween Party returns with Hsin’s point of view. He pretty much spent the whole time being pretty overwhelmed.
The Underdog Halloween Party returns with Hsin’s point of view. He pretty much spent the whole time being pretty overwhelmed.
As I promised on Monday Subject M is much better treated in other people’s memories. We first hear him talking about talking to Michelle at the party here. As for the “Perfect Gentleman” Michelle didn’t break Perverto (or fix depending on your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I try not to make a habit of making Sunday strips. There’s two reasons for this. The first is they take forever. The second is they require meticulous planning and if I use the jazz improv approach I usually use[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And, barring some loose ends, this ends Brian’s business trip, which serves as more proof I’ve got to a better job planning these things since this “three week” trip started May 2013.
Well here is the second part of Kate’s publishing party. This strip has the return of two people who had only appeared once before. The first is Jeremy Tanner, the star of the premium cable science fiction drama, The Mote in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Conal’s back from San Diego just in time for Thanksgiving. Mercédès Vampa was last seen with the Fitzpatrick siblings having drinks at a club on New Year’s Eve.
Liam got promoted out of his comfortable middle management position sometime around here. (The details are just a little garbled) and he’s been being dragged upward ever since. There’s some circumstantial evidence that Brian Might have had something to do with it.
So here we are again at the Jennersten father and daughter activity of being part of the pro union rally during Black Friday in the heart of downtown Homestead. Of course like a lot of these events lots of other[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Of course you don’t Dielle. For everyone who’s catching up Bian is the guitarist for Unknown Kadath though she’s more than happy to be another warm body for the Circle Band’s larger contracts. She likes to hang out with the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Ben Joseph debacle was first mentioned back in 2007. Apparently it’s what happens when a Case Triple Eight is left to it’s own devices.