Technical Scare
Well I must say that I found another bit of proof that I’m getting more technically literate on File Management and WordPress. I’m the first to admit that I tend to be a bit of a borderline Luddite on most things technical. I think it has something to do with the whole visually artistic right brain not dealing with coding very well. However I’ve been keeping at it to the point I’m pleased to say I now know enough to make small tweaks in the code without having to worry about breaking anything.
That is not to say everything is all fine and dandy things will happen that leave me in a state of panic before I either take a deep breath and figure what’s up or call for help.
This just happened an hour ago. I was in the middle of one of my boring archive maintenance projects that involved moving a lot of files when I suddenly got an error message about updating Comicpress and files not found that I did not understand. The next thing I knew all of the comics were gone from this page. After about ten minutes of panic I found out what the problem was. While moving a handful of files on FileZilla I inadvertently dragged the comics Folder out of the Rhapsodies folder and out of the page. A quick fix once I found out where I had dragged it to.