Wednesday Double Feature – Fantasy Rock Operas
I continued my break from anything too heavy in my film viewing and decided to mix two favorite genres, Musicals and Science Fiction. This didn’t go as well as I’d like. It was slim pickings, to begin with, and for once Scarecrow video was not guaranteed to have them. In the end, what I had can charitably describe as Fantasy Rock Operas.

The first on my list, Richard Elfman’s Forbidden Zone tells the story about a family who lives in a ramshackle old house with a Hellmouth in the basement. This leads to a strange zone that is very likely hell. For obvious reasons, the parents have forbidden the rest of the family too so much as go near the zone. Despite this people keep slipping, tripping and falling into the zone. Hilarity ensues.
To my surprise, I did know one thing about this film. It turns out that Elfman’s brother, Danny, who made his composing debut in this movie, recycled the film’s soundtrack for the soundtrack to the Dilbert Cartoon. This film is a strange tribute to Cab Calloway and twenties animation done on a shoestring budget. I’d like to say it’s terrible but since it’s obvious that this is all done on purpose I think I’ll reluctantly call this a Dadaist classic.
It’s fun, and frequently deliberately offensive, but like a train wreck, you can’t turn away.

The next film on my list, Menahem Golan‘s The Apple, tells a familiar story about a dystopian future where the government is controlled by a record label and all anyone cares about is a music contest. A wholesome duet from Moose Jaw Saskatchewan enters the contest. Technically, they win but the game is rigged. The Label contacts them anyway leading a path to corruption and damnation.
If it wasn’t for the hippie clan as the heroes I’d have written this off as Christian propaganda. It still comes close following the usual checklist, including the eponymous apple and the heroes getting raptured in the end. For the most part, it reminded me of a live-action version of The Devil and Danial Mouse. (which was better) Nothing to write home about but at least the music was good.
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