Wednesday Double Feature – Sexy Western Comedy
As a way to clear my pallete of the dark nature of last week’s topic I chose a theme that I like to call “Sexy Western Comedy”. That is to say western comedies with a sex symbol as the lead. This way, I figured, I could get a good laugh and briefly ease my sad bachelor syndrome. Well, it sounded like a good idea at the time. .

The first film on my list was
The best thing I can say about this film is, Meh. My opinions go

The next film on my list, Elliot Silverstein’s Cat Ballou, as a pair of baladeers played by Nat King Cole and Stubby Kaye tell us, is the story of Catherine “Cat’ Ballou. A young woman who has just returned from school to her home town of Wolf City, Wyoming, to become a school teacher. Once she returns she discovers a railway company is after her father’s land. She tries to get help but al she can get are a pair of incompetent cattle rustlers played by Michael Callan and Dwayne Hickman, and a washed out drunk gun fighter played by Lee Marvin.
However when her father is killed all Cat has left is revenge.
This film was… okay. It was amusing when it wasn’t being a heavy-handed sermon about the death of an era (that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and the Shootist did it better.) For the most part, Lee Marvin stole the show doing a parody of himself. In my opinion, the best part of the film was George Orrison, Marvin’s stuntman who did an absolutely amazing display of drunken horse riding.
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