Kevin followed Peaseblossom down the hallway. He wondered what he was going to be stuck with this year. With his luck. It would be either something dangerous or cleaning floors… or cleaning floors in a dangerous place.  there were things that were setting off all of his alarms though.

For one thing, Peaseblossom was being nice to him and wearing something deliberately sexy. Not that she ever wore anything that wasn’t sexy. It was just that the black tutu skirt thing was something she took for granted and because of that, it seemed normal. Kevin suspected that she could run around naked and look normal. The skirt suit she was wearing made it look like she was trying to be sexy on purpose, and trying too hard. This unnerved him slightly.

“I don’t see the Woodchuck anywhere.” He said, trying to get his mind off that topic.

Peaseblossom gave him a look. “What, y’mean Bert? No, he’ll catch up with us later.”

“So… Where are we going?” Kevin asked, wondering how long the hallway would go.

Peaseblossom didn’t exactly frown, but the fake smile she had since he’d walked into the store briefly shrank down to a normal one. “To the train, of course”. She said as if it was the stupidest question she had ever heard.

Kevin was briefly confused. “Of course”.