Kevin, Peaseblossom and the weird little woodchuck that was always hanging out with her had been traveling down the highway for one hour before he saw the road sign. “Bat County,” It said. Just like the sign next to the elevator had fifty miles away.

The trip had gone well considering. For a while, he wasn’t sure about riding bareback on a huge flying shark. He had read somewhere that a shark’s skin was like very rough sandpaper and touching it without gloves could hurt you. The Red Sharks skin felt like a soft, slightly warm, velvet. Peaseblossom, who had a lot more bare skin touching the shark than he did, didn’t seem to notice.

“So… why’s this place called Bat country”, he asked.

Peaseblossom turned around and gave him a look that seemed to suggest he was really a large mushroom growing out of the shark, or worse another woodchuck. “Why d’ye think?” she asked.

“I don’t know, that’s why I’m…. ” he stopped as suddenly there was a terrible roar and the sky was filled with what bats of all kinds… and strangely one manta ray.