Perhaps because they are at the closest in age, Tara probably gets along with Liam better than the rest of her siblings. This is a surprise since they have such different temperaments. The main reason behind this is Tara has had a lifetime to learn what her brother’s buttons are. Because of this, she knows that it’s not a matter of doing what he wants her to do. It’s a matter of not doing what he explicitly doesn’t want her to do… For now.

In this case, it’s the threat of micromanaging his political future. It’s been going on ever since Brian delegated helping with Liam’s campaign for city council to Tara. In the process, Tara discovered a brand new hobby to pass the time.

I’m not going to say Tara isn’t a bad mother. I’m just saying she’s a good stay-at-home mom in the same way a border collie is a good indoor pet.